This week we completed another highly prestigious project – an integral process cooling system to be used in a dairy plant in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates which will be used exclusively for the Royal Family there.
Kilkenny Cooling Systems has been exporting Irish dairy expertise for decades. Our ice builders are in use right across northern Africa, as well as in the Middle East, Continental Europe and Russia.
This is a particularly interesting project as the ice builder is to be installed in a dairy manufacturing facility which will produce food for the Royal family in Dubai.
Below, engineer John Smee presents a short video which showcases our expertise in standard and custom built process cooling systems, for various industries. The chiller for Dubai is featured in the video below:
General food production is a common application of our process cooling products – such as this cooler for dairy plant. We’ve also done cooling systems for several large Irish bakeries including Brennan’s Bread and Pat the Baker – both of whom need to chill hundreds of thousands of litres of water for their production processes.
Smaller bakeries, breweries and various craft cheese and yoghurt providers use our equipment, as do food producers as far away as Denmark and Sweden. You can find a lot of information on these projects in the case studies section of our website.
We have a standard range of cooling systems which are easily customisable for use in industrial or food manufacturing processes. We can advise on ice reserves, refrigeration unit duties, flow rates for coolant and systems for temperature control of multi-zone systems.
Not only do we have a huge range of customisable standard glycol and ice water based cooling systems (such as the cooling system for a dairy plant outlined above), but in the event that one of our standard products is not suitable to meet with your requirements, we can engineer a cooling system specifically to meet with your exact demands. We have over 40 years experience in this field and are leaders in custom cooling system design.
All our equipment has a rugged and durable stainless steel finish and is designed to last for many years.