Remote Beer Chilling Units.
Spring 2018. Another specialised beer cooling project (remote beer chilling units) was commissioned by one of the world’s leading breweries for launch of new draught products in Ireland.
Here at Kilkenny Cooling Systems we are proud of our record in the design and build of customised cooling systems which meet customers’ exact requirements. While we offer an extensive range of standard beer cooling products, we also have a great track record of engineering equipment exactly to customers requirements, in prestigious sites such as Royal Arena Copenhagen.
Most recently we have been comissioned by a leading brewery to design and manufacture a large quantity of remote beer chilling units. These systems utilise a cemtralised tank of coolant for cooling the product. with their own integral pumps, these units are self contained and can remotely chill up to four draught beer products.
The units are ideal for situations in pubs and other draught beer outlets where the existing coolers are at capacity and the outlet is interested in adding new products to their range.
Innovative new products
This ties in with breweries who are keen to promote exciting and innovative new draught products. Some pubs have coolers which are full and can’t accept more products. That’s where the Kilkenny remote beer chilling unit comes in. Previously we have designed and supplied equipment to facilitate the roll out of the hugely successful Hop House 13 from Diageo.