New Zealand Dairy Farms to get Kilkenny Ice Builders. Kilkenny Cooling Systems has ice builders in quite a number of countries worldwide, including France, Dubai, Russia, Mali, Algeria, Tunisia and right across the United Kingdom, however for the first time, our popular ice builder product will be available in New Zealand.
With a diary heritage going back to the early 1970’s and a history of providing thousands of these machines across Ireland, the UK and much further afield, Kilkenny Cooling Systems was ideally placed to tap into the New Zealand dairy sector- a market which, while far away, is now quite similar to our own.
Due to a recent dairy regulation change in New Zealand, farmers there have a requirement to get their milk colder faster, or be at the risk of facing penalties. There are a number of ways to achieve faster cooling, including an upgrade of the entire farm’s refrigeration infrastructure. For many in New Zealand, just like here at home, this is simply not an option so the best solution for them is a Kilkenny Cooling Systems brand ice builder!
Kilkenny Ice Builders are a straightforward way to instantly cool milk during the milking process so that it enters the farmer’s bulk storage tank pre-chilled. In this way, simply adding an ice builder to a dairy farm will take a large cooling demand off the the farmer’s existing equipment – equipment which may be under-powered under the new regulations.
So with a simple ‘drop in’ system, the farmer once again becomes complaint, and no other major upgrades are required.
For farmers with single phase electricity, the option is there to use their single phase power to build a large reserve of ice over a long duration when it is not required (i.e. at night) and then use the ice to deliver very large refrigeration duties at milking time. The system can also be set to run only on night rate electricity, meaning that it costs even less to run.
A refrigeration equipment manufacturer-distributor from New Zealand saw this opportunity, was aware of the Kilkenny name and reputation for manufacturing high quality ice builders and made contact earlier this year with a view to importing some machines.
A single Kilkenny IB-0500 was sent over for an agricultural trade show earlier this year. It was very well received and so early next month the first full container-load of machines will leave Kilkenny for New Zealand.
The video below gives a good introduction to and overview of the consignment, which is due to leave our Kilkenny factory in the coming days. For more information on Kilkenny ice Builders please contact us today.