IB-08-2500 – A 5000kg Ice Builder for a Dairy Application
This week at Kilkenny Cooling Systems we have just completed another Kilkenny IB 2500 Ice builder. The IB-08-2500 is the largest cooling product that we make. It has an ice storage capacity of 5,000kg, which is enough to easily take 8°C out of 50,000 litres of water or beer with minimal stress!
In the video below, John Smee, Engineer from Kilkenny Cooling Systems takes two minutes to have an informal overview of the applications for our largest model ice builder, the IB 08 2500.
Versatility in cooling applications:
This particular ice builder will be used in a dairy application in the UK however these systems can be used anywhere large cooling demands are required in a short space of time.
Kilkenny Cooling Systems has effectively deployed their ice builder in dairy applications, food production for soup, cheese, meat and seafood, mussel farming, cooling of industrial machinery such as gas turbine lube oil and polymer reaction machines, and in bakeries and breweries.
We are more than happy to discuss specific customer requirements.
How Kilkenny IB 2500 Ice builder works:
Ice builders are used in cooling applications above 0°C. They have a number of benefits:
- They are highly robust machines and will last for decades with minimal maintenance if used correctly.
- They are extremely versatile and can be configured for an enormous variety of different cooling applications.
- Due to their reserve of cooling capacity in the form of ice, an ice builder is capable of meeting enormous peaks in cooling demand over a very short space of time.
- It is possible to take advantage of variable tarriffs or night rate electricity by building the ice reserves only at night.
- Kilkenny cooling systems have been manufacturing ice builders at our factory in Kilkenny since the early 1980’s and have exported them worldwide.